
Backflushing Your Espresso Machine


Daily - End of day 

Remove the filter basket from one of the group handles and fit a blind filter or drop a rubber blind filter into the handle containing the double basket.

Lock the handle into the grouphead and press the brew button, after 10 seconds press the brew button again to stop the group. Repeat this operation 4 times, emptying the group handle between operations.

Clean around the grouphead gasket and diffuser with a small brush and hot water.

Weekly or twice weekly if busy

With the blind filter in the group handle add one teaspoon of Espresso Machine Cleaner into the blind filter. Secure the group handle into the group head press the brew button and run for 10 seconds. Stop and repeat 4 times with a 10 second gap.

Remove the group handle and run water through the group for 10 seconds. Replace the group handle, press the brew button and run for 10 seconds, repeat this step 4 times, emptying the handle between operations.

Clean around the grouphead gasket and diffuser with a small brush and hot water. Replace the filter in the group handle, make one coffee and discard, the group is now ready for use.

Steam arm care

During the course of the day, after every use, wipe down the steam arm with a soft damp cloth do not allow milk to harden and build up on the steam arm. After every use blast a bit of steam through to clear milk from the nozzle. DO NOT EVER - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE leave the steam arm standing soaking in any sort of liquid.

Please remember to switch off your machine at night.